There is a lot of theorising about what it takes to generate a blended coliving community; in this piece, OZ makes it all very concrete. By sharing their first-hand experiences with designing OurDomain in Amsterdam, they show us how they transformed a convoluted, unappealing office area into an integrated, complementary and community- oriented residential coliving space. By tapping into the core of communal living, OZ illustrates how placemaking and quality living go hand-in-hand.
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21st Century Urban Living: the Next Generation of Blended Coliving Communities
OurDomain Amsterdam South East, located on a knowledge axis consisting of educational institutions and student housing in Amsterdam, sparks a new impulse in the area. Strategically located next to an academic hospital and train station, the campus – with its critical mass of over 1,500 apartments and extensive amenities – introduces the first residential centre in a predominantly office area. This new campus is the catalyst that ignites the long-desired change from a mono- functional office area into a lively, multifunctional city district. The urbanistic objective of OurDomain is to introduce fundamental change, generate new connections and facilitate a social space that inspires its users.
During its construction, many stakeholders considered the surrounding larger transformation area (Amstel III) problematic. The location, set up as an office area, with a hospital as one of the main stakeholders, has previously had an unattractive appearance. The area looked cluttered with a lot of fencing, the public space was not well-maintained and students from a previous campus project reported a sense of anonymity and insecurity, with social safety having been made a point of attention.
The big question was: how to unite this divided area in such a way that it becomes whole? With the plan for OurDomain, a connection has been realised that is a first step for the further development of the transformation area as this united whole.
The main urban development objective for the area was to connect functions, routes and accessible areas with the buildings. The public space, at first an unattractive place to stay, is the basis for the master plan. The layout of the public space ensures cohesion in the plan area, the residential campus and the medical campus as a whole. This high-quality public area is essential especially because of its residential function. Since the character of the area is diverse with all its independent office buildings, this is reflected in the unique character of each of the three residential buildings. OZ has made a conscious decision to make a different architect partner responsible for each of the three individual designs.
The architecture strengthens the relationship with the public area. The connection of the outdoor space with the ground levels of the 3 buildings is very important for creating one community. Openness is a keyword that is embodied throughout the campus.

Water and greenery no longer serve as dividing elements, but have been transformed into connections. The cycling and running routes are more intricate than before, with continuous routes connecting the campus with the metro station, hospital and other surrounding buildings. The routes in the plan are connected to squares, which have various functions and activities. Residents meet here, play sports or organise a BBQ. The public functions located in the plinth are not only meant for the residents of OurDomain but serve the surrounding offices and neighbours as well.
Inserting three large housing blocks (East House, North House and West House) around an articulated park allows for a recognisable residential atmosphere in a predominant office location. The three blocks, each with an independent identity, are designed to be cornerstones that mark the park boundary. Together with the two existing buildings for student housing and medical startups, OurDomain is the pivotal centre of the area. The lush, inviting landscape design by Karres en Brands adds articulated topography to the park.
The residual soil from excavating the underground parking garage is used to make small-scale hills that render local quality, give the area a strong physical identity and inspire people to make use of it.

With a surface of 40,000 m2 and almost 1,000 furnished studios for students and young professionals, East House is huge in size. One of the main goals is to give this big building a clear housing expression and human scale; that is, to avoid an abstract mass similar to the bigger offices already there. The programme for this building, with a large number of small apartments without balconies, has few architectural elements available to give it character. Its cascading facade on two sides, therefore, immediately gives the building its own architectural expression and anchors it within its surroundings. The general idea behind this scheme is not to focus on shaping a 1,000- apartment building but rather the opposite; to carve out parts of the initial envelope given in the urban plan to shape the volume.

North House is designed as a cornerstone with a low wing and a high tower that marks the park entry to the metro station. It has an eloquent buildup with a central corridor with the smaller apartments on the northeast façade and the larger apartments with balconies at the southwest façade. On its shackled volumetric design, it has a recognisable enveloping grid pattern. This pattern introduces a human scale and is an independent statement of rhythm and measure designed as a concrete grid that envelops a copper building. This materialisation is thought to unite the atmosphere of living and working. A building that is refined and not too delicate.

Unlike the other two buildings, the volume of West House responds to neighbouring existing buildings and makes use of the opportunities that this setting offers. The gradual build-up of the block ensures the visibility of the neighbouring buildings from the campus. Additionally, by making a passage at ground level, a physical connection is established. This ensures a direct relationship between the existing building and the new landscape. Furthermore, the shared terraces (which belong to the homes) complement the wide range of places that the park already offers and make people part of the public space within the security of their own homes.

The OurDomain Amsterdam South East project is a flagship for when it comes to the next generation of blended shared living communities. The building has been awarded both The Best in Class Awards in 2020 for ‘Best Shared Living Development’ and the Coliving Awards 2021 for ‘Best Blended Living Project’. The Best in Class Awards jury said “When speaking of blended living, this property sets the standard as they successfully incorporated placemaking into their design and operations. In doing so, they managed to blend varying household typologies and fully embrace the local community and surroundings.”
With a wide range of community and public spaces, including park gardens, flexible offices, bars, restaurants, supermarkets, general practitioner offices, gyms and pop-up initiatives, OurDomain is able to cater to their residents and serve the entire neighbourhood to stimulate interaction and engagement throughout their communities. OurDomain aims to nurture the potential in everyone, where people are themselves, feel comfortable and enjoy an urban lifestyle so that together they can grow.